
标题: 峒村计划生育考察 [打印本页]

作者: waited5389    时间: 2009-9-21 19:28
标题: 峒村计划生育考察
[内容提要]通过对峒村的人口与计划生育情况进行考察,分析峒村传统婚育习俗与国家计划生育政策的矛盾性,同时,还探讨了政府节育措施与民间节育态度的冲突与磨合。本文认为,国家和政府推行计划生育政策,需要了解和尊重地方社会的婚育习俗;国家和政府可以通过政策的宣传与引导,影响和转变地方社会的婚育观念与婚育行为,重塑一种有利于现实与长远社会经济和谐发展的婚育文化。[关键词]人口;计划生育;婚姻;生育行为;节育;婚育文化  Observation and Study on Family Planning in Dong Village  Abstract: Through observation and study on the population and family planning circumstance of Dong village, the article analyze the contradiction of traditional procreating culture and family planning policy, and do research into the problem of birth control. The conclusion is that when government pursues family planning policy, it should firstly know and respect the traditional culture of marriage and procreating. Government could promulgate family planning policy, and changes the traditional culture of marriage and procreating, create a new culture of marriage and procreating that is propitious to society’s harmonious and sustainable development.Key Words: population,family planning,marriage,procreating,birth control,culture of marriage and procreating    一、引言 十八世纪,英国学者马尔萨斯(Thomas Robert Malthus)先天下之忧而忧,他担心,人口若不受到抑制,便会以几何比率增加,而人类所需的生活资料却仅仅以算术比率增加[1](P7)。事实上,自从十八世纪以来,人口问题便成为社会理论的焦点之一,古典经济学家--尤其是亚当

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