肇兴侗寨侗语称Saop,位于黎平县南面,距县城68公里,座落于一个东西走向的狭长谷地。人口860多户,3800多人,全为侗族。寨内有5座鼓楼、5个戏台、5座花桥、3座萨坛,2条小溪横贯寨中。肇兴侗寨始建于宋朝(公元960-1279年),原名“肇洞”。居民有赢、满、万、白、马等12个家族,即12个“斗”,组合成仁、义、礼、智、信5个“团”。所有居民都有内外两个姓:内姓,为各家族成员原有的姓;外姓,为大家在社会生活中共同使用的姓,即陆姓。“斗”以血缘为纽带,“斗”内不能通婚。“团”则以地缘为基础,“团”内各“斗”间可以通婚。数百年来,肇兴人民创造了独特的鼓楼文化、大歌文化、款约文化和“萨文化”。1993年肇兴被贵州省文化厅命名为“鼓楼文化艺术之乡”;2003年被文化部列入全国首批民族民间文化保护试点单位;2005年被《中国国家地理》杂志等媒体评为“中国最美的乡村古镇”。A Brief Introduction to Zhaoxing Dong VillageZhaoxing’s old name is ′Zhao Dong′.The village is located in the southeast of Liping County, 68 km away from the county seat, in a long, narrow valley which runs east to west. The village has more than 860 ethnic Dong households, with a total population of more than 3800. Zhaoxing has 5 drum towers, 5 roofed bridges, 5 stages and 3 sacrificial altars, with two streams cutting through the village.Zhaoxing was first built during the Song Dynasty (A.D. 960-1279). Each resident in Zhaoxing has two surnames: Lu as their public surname, the surname that is socially used, and a private, original surname for each person. Each community of the same surname is called a ′dou′, meaning a clan. Two or more clans living together form a ′tuan′, meaning a group. ′Dou′ takes the blood relationship as the foundation. Marriage is forbidden inside a ′dou′. ′Tuan′ is based on geography and people from two or more ′dou′ in a ′tuan′ can be related through marriage. The 12 ′dou′ of Zhaoxing form 5 ′tuan′, and the 5 ′tuan′ are named ′Ren′, ′Yi′, ′Li′ ′Zhi′ and ′Xin′, meaning ‘benevolence’, ‘righteousness’, ‘propriety’, ‘wisdom’ and ‘faith’.Over the centuries, the Dong people of Zhaoxing have created their unique drum towers,grand choral songs, the traditional legal system and religious culture.In 1993, Zhaoxing was named ‘the township of drum tower culture and art’ by the provincial cultural department.In 2003, the National Ministry of Culture integrated it into the national list of top of protected ethnic cultural relics.In 2005, the village gained the titles of ‘the most beautiful ancient town and village of China’. |